My brother came for a visit. He flew here on Thursday and flew home Saturday night. We had a really nice visit but unfortunately he was really busy the whole time. I wanted to get my bed hooked up to multimedia Max and my mom needed a faucet changed in her kitchen sink and her roof was leaking.
We did find a really nice place to eat. It is called the Elephant Restaurant. They have killer hors d'oeuvres, great food and really good smoothies. My brother and I liked it so much we took my mom and Grandpa back the next evening and they also enjoyed it.
He also took me to Fry's electronics to get a GPS because I am really tired of getting lost all of the time. We found one there and paid for it and left. When I got outside I heard my brother calling me to stop and I heard people laughing. Apparently, as we walked by a stuffed animal display Brodie picked up a stuffed elephant that show on the ground and was walking out with it, she is so cute.
We didn't get to bed hooked up because we need to exchange a couple of parts but it will get done. It was a great weekend.