Last Thursday Stanley and the kids came for a visit. Thursday afternoon I went to a friend's for lunch, actually we went to Hullihans. It was a really nice lunch and visit.
Friday Stanley, the kids and I went to the Monterey Bay Aquarium. It was really nice, I had not been there for a long time and everything was very interesting. I met a girl who was there with her parents and she also had the canine companion. The first two or three times we saw her Brodie would not stop barking and lunging, it was really embarrassing. The fourth and fifth time she finally settled down and only wagged her tail. I need to really start working with her. I ran into Marv, a paraplegic guy that I met through the support groups at Valley Medical, he is always so sweet and upbeat It is always really great to see him. He works at the aquarium and also teaches and loves to scuba dive. Corinne could not believe this. He was telling her how he gets out of his wheelchair, into his scuba gear and then into the water. I need to start going back to the support groups because I miss the group. After we left the Monterey Bay aquarium we went to eat on Cannery Row, a place called Louie's restaurant. I had shrimp skampi and it was really good. We sat outside on the deck overlooking the ocean braking against the rocks and listened to a band that was playing down below us. The only bad part was the pigeons that kept flying up and landing above my head, nothing happened but you can imagine what my mind was thinking?
Saturday we had breakfast and took the kids to Raging Waters. They had a blast with the water, it was perfect because it was so hot. I had to have Stanley take Brodie and I home because it was so hot, on the way home it was 105°. I feel bad because right before we left a guy was causing problems and the police had to escort him out, this made Robert very nervous.