I'm sitting here listening to it rain outside, is raining really hard. One of my favorite things is to lie in bed and listen to the rain, it is so relaxing.
We had a little family get-together here yesterday and it was really nice. Relatives that live about 10 minutes away yet we have not seen them for about 20 years, it's a shame.
I'm not sure of the relationship, whether they are cousins, first cousins... but they sure were a really nice group. Everybody brought food and there was a ton of it, that's one thing about my family they always make sure there is enough food. There were about 11 people here, let me see if I can remember the names... I remember Marcy and her daughter Kimmy, Audrey and her daughter Cindy, Cindy has two girls. My a Kathy this and her two grandchildren Alexia and Seth, Richard's children, and of course gramps. These were my grandmother on my mother sides relatives. We promised to see each other more often.