Monday, March 27, 2006


I picked Dave up from the airport today and talked to somebody in the Delta baggage about what I need to do or know about my flight next Thursday. I have to call National Seating and find out what kind of batteries I have and call them back and let them know, other than that everything is ready to go.

My Aunt Kathy came by last night to spend a couple of days with my mom, what a nice surprise. They have been watching movies and getting caught up on everything.

Dave and I went to Eastridge Mall to walk around for awhile and we could not believe how much it has changed. They not only have a new theater in the new Barnes and Noble and soon to be Bed, Bath and Beyond, it's turning out to be a really big and beautiful mall. Then we picked up my mom and went to Chili's for dinner.

Saturday, March 25, 2006


I finally got my teeth finished, the top at least. The temporaries that they put on fell off several times and it was very painful so I am glad that it is over. It's hard to get used to talking without having a huge gap in between your two front teeth,  I think after a couple of weeks I should get used to it.

Tomorrow I am going to a pancake breakfast down at the clubhouse and then over to babies r us to get a gift certific for my niece's baby shower in April. Then, since it is in front of Chili's have lunch and back home to rest up for next week.

Dave will be here on Monday, I pick him up at the airport about noon and then we can go and talk to Delta Airlines to see what I need to do for my plane ride next Thursday. I'm still really nervous and scared but I'm trying not to think about it and I'm sure everything will be okay. The visit will go by fast because it always does and before I know it I will be back here safe and sound.  Dave has a consultation appointment on Tuesday morning for his Lasix surgery. Hopefully he will be able to come back in a couple weekends to have the surgery and a little family get-together, Gramps will be back by then and Stanley and Janet and hopefully Uncle Dick and his family will be here.

Next week I have an appointment to see if they could fix a tooth is on the bottom of my jaw,  it is also crooked and then I will be done except for I go in for consultation next week to see if they could do anything about my "quad gut" and hopefully eventually make my chest a little more perky. A friend of mine had this done about a year ago and I talked to several others and are extremely happy with it.

Sunday, March 19, 2006


On Monday the Bath Wag'n came to give Brodie her monthly bath, they also clean her ears, grind her toe nails down and check her for any lumps or anything else that might need attention. I feel because she goes into public places with me that she should be clean and smell nice.

I went to Moorpark health clinic twice this week. Once to get my SP tube changed with Tony and on Friday to get my evaluation, fill out the paperwork and get the prescription for my exercise bicycle, I have been waiting for this for about a year. My doctor wanted me to take whole bunch of test, EKG, bone density, blood work... I think it's definitely going to be worth the wait. I have to go to Valley Medical Center for ten sessions to try out the bicycle with an OT to see if I still want to go through with it and to see if the OT thinks it will benefit me.

I have been wanting to get my front teeth fixed for a long time but I have been kind of nervous to do it but I finally started the procedure on Friday. There was a gap in between my top front teeth that I did not like very much and there is one tooth on the bottom that is very crooked. He granted my teeth down on Friday and gave me temporary ones and they broke in half today. I went to target and got some cement for teeth so I'm going to try that tomorrow, I hope it works.

Stanley, Janet, and the kids all came down on Friday night to spend the night, I have not seen them for a long time and I cannot believe how big they are getting, the kids not Stanley & Janet. Robert just turned 15 and he is such a great guy. Corinne is getting so big and so beautiful and so smart. David is also getting big and is a very funny guy. We went shopping and then met my mom and Stanley at the cheesecake factory for dinner, I brought home some peach cobler cheesecake and had it a little while ago with some coffee, what a way to end a perfect day. Stanley's family is on their way home and I am exhausted.

Next week I'm going to go shopping and get the stuff for my mom's birthday party and check out what they have at Costco to make everything easier. It is going to be really nice to have most of our family together because it has been a long time. David has his eye appointment for his initial consultation to get his Lasix surgery on the twenty eighth and then on the thirtieth my Mom and I are flying going back to Georgia with him, I better pack next week also.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Ergy's bike

So far my keyboard is still working and I am really grateful for that. A lot of my friends and people I met online are pestering me to get a web cam so I finally ordered one tonight. I don't really know anything about them but I have been thinking about it for a while so I figured what the heck?

Last weekend was really relaxing but I got a lot done. I watched a couple of movies and just caught up some shows that I had TiVoed. I'm trying to do a little bit of spring cleaning before my brother comes.

I started out tonight to go to the support group but wanted to stop on the way to get some olives, I love olives, and I had to stop at Long's drugstore to pick up some discs of pictures and ran into to Wayne and Kathy, the parents of a family that we grew up with, they stopped by before Christmas but before that it had been about 30 years or so since I last saw them. I told them that we were having a little party on the weekend of April 14th and they said that they would love to join us. Anyway, I never made it to the support group but just in that little shopping center I met a lot of really cool people.

Friday I have an appointment with Dr. Shem and Nancy, the wound care specialist, they are going to give me some information on the exercise bicycle that I want to get, Nancy had asked me to hold off on getting it until they find out more about it. I am really excited because this might actually finally happen. Nancy also said that she knows of a Doctor who can make your scars a lot less visible, I have some really bad ones from my tendon transfer surgery and from a couple of pressure sores that took a long time to heal that I would like to get fixed before summer.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Another weekend

It has been really cold here but the sun is out. Too cold to go hang out in any park but I did run Brodie around the parking lot for a while. Yesterday we went to breakfast at the Original Pancake House, I love that place. After we ate breakfast we went to go see 8 below, what an awesome movie. The scenery was gorgeous and if you love dogs it is going to make you laugh and cry.

My keyboard quit working again today. I still have my voice type program but it's very frustrating when you cannot use your keyboard, I keep forgetting and reaching for it. Jerry came over last night and I told him about it, he fixed it last time it wouldn't work, and said that he had a couple of keyboards with cords that he was going to bring over. I called my brother and he had me try a few things but nothing seemed to work. Jerry came over a little while ago and neither one of his keyboards would work either so he tried plugging it into the front of the computer and it worked perfectly, it looks like the place that you plug the keyboard into the back does not work so this will work until Dave comes on the twenty seventh.

Dave will be here on the 27th and he will stay until the 30th, my mom and I are flying back with him on the 30th and were going to stay until the 3rd. I am a little nervous and a lot scared but it's going to be a really nice trip and if this goes well I will feel safer taking a lot more trips and I'm really excited about that. He's coming back around the 14th for four days to get Lasix surgery, he is about the 6th person in our family to get it. My mom's birthday is toward the end of the month so if we all get together we will have a party for her and my grandpa is coming back next month so will be a really great reunion.


Friday, March 3, 2006

Madrea's Family Reunion

I had an appointment today at Outreach in Sunnyvale.
I saw the Mercado AMC theatres on the way and remembered
that Tyler Perry's Madea's family reunion started today
and my appointment only took about 20 minutes so I
decided to get something to eat and see the movie.  I
saw a mexican restaurant and and the movie didn't start
for an hour and a half so I went for lunch first.  I have
been to this restaurant before a couple of times and it was
always very good.  I decided to try a crab, shrimp and prawn
enchilada and although it was pretty good I'm not sure putting
seafood in an enchilada is a really good idea.  Everything else
was really good and I tried a banana margarita.  The movie was
great,, I laughed and I cryed.  I wonder why they show a lot of
the best parts on the trailer for the film.  It was still very
funny but it would've been a lot funnier if the good parts were
a surprise.  The weather was pretty good until I left the theater
to go to the parking lot first it started sprinkling in the drops
got bigger and then it started hailing, I got drenched.  As soon as
I got into the Van the rain stopped and the sun came out.  When I
got home Jerry was outside fixing up his new car that he got
yesterday, he got the new Jaguar and it is pretty cool.  I talked
to him for a while and then came inside to eat and go to bed.

Thursday, March 2, 2006

Just another day

I woke up this morning about 3 a.m. and could not go back to sleep.  Whenever you open a door or window in my house there is a beep and I thought that I heard it and got a little scared.  Brodie didn't move so I guess I was just hearing things.  Now I am wide awake and my attendant is not going to be here until 8 a.m.  She used to come in at 7 a.m. but her son changed schools so she had to change her hours to 8 a.m.

I have been driving around trying to find parks and schools
so Brodie can get some exersize.  She seems to be a lot
happier and better behaved since I have been taking her
to a park sometimes twice a day.  She was starting to go
crazy after other animals and she has calmed down a lot.
I guess it makes sense because I live in a place where she
cannot get a lot of exercise.  I decided it would be great
to just take something to eat and let her play at the Park
for a couple of hours and just enjoy, weather permitting.

Keith scrubbed the floor in the kitchen and replace the floor
by my bathroom that Brodie ruined, for some reason after everybody left she urinated in the hallway and it ran down the title and ruined my wood flooring and it looked awful.  All of the maintenance is finally getting done and it feels great.  Keith can do just about anything and he is so sweet.  He came over Monday to check my generator to make sure it will work and to put gas in it.  He told his friend that he lives with to wake him up if the electricity goes off so he can come over and start my generator for me. I have gotten to know my neighbors and they are really great people.  On one side I have Jerry and Liz, Jerry comes over every once in a while and we can talk for hours.  On the other side is Ann.  She just turn 93 and walks around the Park every day, she is very spunky.  Across the street is Keith and Donna.  I just got to know them about maybe six or eight months ago and they are both really great people.
I was talking to Donna the other day and found out she knows a lot of my relatives and friends.  She used to work at Los Gatos tires where my uncle, my dad and a lot of their friends used to hang out, it is really a small world.  I had a maintenance guy working here before but he ended up moving and ripping me off, it's really hardto find somebody you can trust and does a good job.  I knew that Keith cleaned carpets and upholstery so I asked Jerry if he thought Keith would
help me out with the maintenance I needed done and he said he thought Keith would be perfect, Jerry new Keith better than I did.  Ever since he has been helping me out and the guy can fix anything.  Yesterday was a really nice day so I went outside and visited for a while with Keith and Jerry before I took Brodie to the Park, I hope today is going to be another great day but it's supposed to rain, it was supposed to rain

David and his brother-in-law also named David are coming to visit at the end of the month and I am really excited.  Usually when my brother comes to visit he always end up doing a lot of work and we are nevrer able to relax and enjoy our time together but this visit is going to be all fun and I am so excited.  I met his brother-in-law a long time ago and we used to correspond through e-mail but our lives got busy, you know how that goes?

I found a place to make prints of all of the pictures I have taken, my camera uses 3 x 3 floppy disks and my new computer does not have an A drive so I have not been able to enjoy them.  I took a bunch of them today and they got developed so tomorrow I'm going to put them all in a photo

I decided that every Friday I'm going to try a new restaurant and see a movie.  There are so many good movies out there that I want to see but something always happens and I never go.