I woke up this morning about 3 a.m. and could not go back to sleep. Whenever you open a door or window in my house there is a beep and I thought that I heard it and got a little scared. Brodie didn't move so I guess I was just hearing things. Now I am wide awake and my attendant is not going to be here until 8 a.m. She used to come in at 7 a.m. but her son changed schools so she had to change her hours to 8 a.m.
I have been driving around trying to find parks and schools
so Brodie can get some exersize. She seems to be a lot
happier and better behaved since I have been taking her
to a park sometimes twice a day. She was starting to go
crazy after other animals and she has calmed down a lot.
I guess it makes sense because I live in a place where she
cannot get a lot of exercise. I decided it would be great
to just take something to eat and let her play at the Park
for a couple of hours and just enjoy, weather permitting.
Keith scrubbed the floor in the kitchen and replace the floor
by my bathroom that Brodie ruined, for some reason after everybody left she urinated in the hallway and it ran down the title and ruined my wood flooring and it looked awful. All of the maintenance is finally getting done and it feels great. Keith can do just about anything and he is so sweet. He came over Monday to check my generator to make sure it will work and to put gas in it. He told his friend that he lives with to wake him up if the electricity goes off so he can come over and start my generator for me. I have gotten to know my neighbors and they are really great people. On one side I have Jerry and Liz, Jerry comes over every once in a while and we can talk for hours. On the other side is Ann. She just turn 93 and walks around the Park every day, she is very spunky. Across the street is Keith and Donna. I just got to know them about maybe six or eight months ago and they are both really great people.
I was talking to Donna the other day and found out she knows a lot of my relatives and friends. She used to work at Los Gatos tires where my uncle, my dad and a lot of their friends used to hang out, it is really a small world. I had a maintenance guy working here before but he ended up moving and ripping me off, it's really hardto find somebody you can trust and does a good job. I knew that Keith cleaned carpets and upholstery so I asked Jerry if he thought Keith would
help me out with the maintenance I needed done and he said he thought Keith would be perfect, Jerry new Keith better than I did. Ever since he has been helping me out and the guy can fix anything. Yesterday was a really nice day so I went outside and visited for a while with Keith and Jerry before I took Brodie to the Park, I hope today is going to be another great day but it's supposed to rain, it was supposed to rain
David and his brother-in-law also named David are coming to visit at the end of the month and I am really excited. Usually when my brother comes to visit he always end up doing a lot of work and we are nevrer able to relax and enjoy our time together but this visit is going to be all fun and I am so excited. I met his brother-in-law a long time ago and we used to correspond through e-mail but our lives got busy, you know how that goes?
I found a place to make prints of all of the pictures I have taken, my camera uses 3 x 3 floppy disks and my new computer does not have an A drive so I have not been able to enjoy them. I took a bunch of them today and they got developed so tomorrow I'm going to put them all in a photo
I decided that every Friday I'm going to try a new restaurant and see a movie. There are so many good movies out there that I want to see but something always happens and I never go.