Sunday, April 16, 2006


We all had a really nice visit. After we picked up David from the airport we visited with Gramps until Mom finished playing cards at the center than we went to Red Robin for dinner. I have been there several times and I really liked it and wanted to take my Grampa there because I really thought he would enjoy it. After we ate my brother and I strolled around the mall for a while. They are still in the process of remodeling it and its really starting to look nice. The next day my Uncle Dick drove David to get his eye surgery done. Stanley, Janet and the kids were supposed to be here at noon so I waited until about 2:00 P. M. and then I decided to go ahead and get something to eat. They got here around 3:00 and just as we were getting ready to leave for the mall David and Uncle Dick drove up so we decided to see how everything went. David was very tired but he said that he felt good and he could already see a big difference in his vision without his glasses on. We let David rest and went to the mall and Corinne got her ears pierced, we stopped to get something to eat on the way home.

Saturday Stanley made breakfast for everybody and we just kind of hung around and visited because David was going to go home that afternoon. While my mom and Stanley to David to the airport we went shopping again, this time to get a honey baked ham and some other stuff for Easter dinner.

Sunday was really nice. Stanley made breakfast again and the kids hunted for Easter egg's that we had dyed the evening before. Everybody had an Easter basket full of candy and toys. Richard and Vanessa showed up and Aunt Kathy and Uncle Dick arrived right behind them. We had a really nice dinner and then we played about four games of Cribbage, have not played for a very long time and I really miss it. We're going to start getting together about once a month.

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