Saturday, January 20, 2007

Getting closer to Santa Cruz

A friend of mine gave me the number of a lady that designs leashes, harnesses and packs for dogs. I went over and met with her and she was really a neat lady. The leashes that she had are going to work perfect. I also got a harness to put on Brodie whenever we go out and it works really well, she seems to know that whenever the harness is on its work time. She also helped me out a lot with some discipline problems I'm having with Brodie. She told me that one thing she noticed is that I tell Brodie what to do and really don't expect her to do it so I don't praise her if she does it right or correct her if she does it wrong... she is so right so I'm going to start working on that.

Tomorrow my mom and I were going to go see a movie, Charlotte's Web, and go get something to eat after but she got a phone call from a friend asking for help. My mom's friend is in an elderly care facility and her husband is in a care facility. Three times a week her husband goes to dialysis and then takes Outreach to visit his wife but as it turns out he only gets to spend about twenty minutes with his wife because of Outreaches busy schedule... Outreach can be late in picking you up but you have to be right outside waiting for them when they come to pick you up, it doesn't really seem fair but is a great service and helps a lot of people.

Stanley, Janet, Robert, David and Corinne bought a new house, new to them. Their family is growing so fast and this house has a lot more room. They are so excited and I'm so excited for them.

My contractor submitted the plans for my new place so we are waiting to hear back from them, apparently it takes about three weeks. They're not going to be able to start building it until around April and it will take about a year or so but I'm already trying to sell this place. I put it on Craig's list and made a couple of flyers for Stanford and Valley Medical Center. Jerry is going to come and take some pictures so this week I'm going to try to get everything straightened up so it looks nice.

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