Thursday, December 13, 2007


Yesterday after we met Rich, the dog trainer, at Hellyer dog park my mom and I went to Wal-Mart to look around and kill a little bit of time before we met my aunt and uncle, Jim and Brenda, Rex and Sandy and Ellen at Holders for dinner.  There is a lucky supermarket right behind holders that usually has fresh, soft gingerbread cookies and of course yesterday they did not have any.  We had a really nice dinner and then came back here and played cribbage.  I broke even, we usually play for a dollar a game and I started out with three and ended up with three, better than losing I guess.

One of the things that a couple of people I played cribbage with said is that they noticed I have a lot more movement than they remember.  I guess that since I am around me all the time I don't notice it but it made me feel really great because I thought that I wasn't going to get any more return.  I have been exercising and using the tens units and I think that's helping a lot.  My uncle has a friend who is a welder and is going to help me out when I move to turn my garage into a workout room with a stationary bicycle that I can use while in my chair, pullies on the wall... stuff like that.  When I was in the Independent Living Center somebody had left a homemade eating utensils for somebody who had no grip in their fingers so the lady that ran the house said I could take it home.  I looked all over in stores and online and could never find anything that works as well as this one so my uncle's friends made me a spoon and a fork and they work great, we are thinking about patenting them and selling them.  I have had a lot of ideas that I wish I would have patented but I never did.  One of them was snow chains for wheelchairs.  I talked to a couple of people that live in the snow and they use bungee cords and say that it works okay but it could be better.  I was going to get my brother David to make a prototype and go from there but we never did.  There was another one that Sabina, my OT at Transitions, we're going to try to patent but I forgot what it was now.

Today I stayed in bed and slept most of the day because yesterday and the day before were pretty much marathon days.

Tomorrow I hope to finish decorating my house.  The fireplace looks so bare without our stockings hanging in front.  The tree is beautiful and I love looking at it.

I think I'm going to put off my search for a new service animal until after I move.  I hate to get her used to this place and then have her get used to another one.  I have gotten some really great answers to my e-mail and hopefully will not have a problem when I'm finally ready.  Brodie is ready to retire, it's time for me to take care of her now.

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