Thursday, January 3, 2008

Dr. Phil...

I was watching Dr. Phil tonight and I could not believe what I saw.  I guess the newest fad for teenagers is mattress surfing.  They tie a rope on the mattress and then tie it to the back of a vehicle and somebody sits on the mattress while being dragged from behind, it seems like kids are just trying really hard to invent new ways to break their neck.  I remember when I was young and my parents used to say to me "knock that off or you're going to break your neck" when I did rehab in the hospital we used to joke about that a lot.

After watching a little bit more of the show it gets a little bit frustrating.  There are people who are diabetics and they don't take their insulin so they can lose weight they are called Diarexias basically it's a combination between diabetics and anorexia.  They seem to know what they're doing to themselves but staying thin is more important, one lady even has two children.  I guess the reason that it is so frustrating is because I have so much time to sit around and miss everything that I took for granted before my injury.  I would love to be able to get out of bed and walk outside, without it taking about a four hour process, and all I had to do is watch what I eat and give myself a shot.

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