On Monday madonna called in sick and Aiesha said that she thought she might be coming down with something and yesterday she wasn't feeling better. I told her that if she was sick to not come to work and to give me a call in the morning so I will know not to get up. This morning where we were doing some personal care the phone rang but nobody left a message so I assumed that Aiesha was not coming in so I didn't get up, it turned out it was just Rosy calling to say that Aiesha wasn't going to come in until later. I really have a lot to do this week and it's very frustrating to have to stay in bed when your mind won't stop thinking about what you should be doing plus I had to cancel Rich, the dog trainer.
I've been boxing up my DVDs to send to my brother in Georgia and I think I only need about two more boxes. It is so hard to find boxes anymore. Remember when you used to be able to go behind any store or business and pick them up by the dumpster? Now because of a liability businesses do not want anybody to take their boxes, they would rather cut them up.
Vanessa came by today with baby Luana, she is so cute. We are trying to coordinate a baby shower and I think we finally got it all figured out. While she was here we made some invitations and decided to have it here on March 8th. That's only about two weeks away. She decided that she would like to have an afternoon buffet so Costco here we come, Costa is a great place to get stuff for sandwiches, chips, pickles and olives and of course snacks and desserts.
I have a bunch of bananas that I got at Costco and they're getting brown so I found a really good recipe for Macadamia Nut Banana Bread, doesn't that sound delicous?
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