Monday, June 30, 2008

Are the dishes in the dishwasher clean or dirty?

How is it possible that I never had ahi tuna?  I LOVE seafood.  Every time that I have seen it in a cooking show, I just realized that I watched way too many cooking shows, it always looked like it was raw on the outside or in the middle and that always scared me a little bit.  I would have tried any kind of sushi until I saw an article one time about a truck broke down while bringing fresh raw fish to a sushi restaurant and because the driver wanted to get paid for the load he did not say anything about the fact that the refrigeration broke and the fish was ruined.  But remember seeing pictures of a lady who was so sick and her body was all black and swollen.  For a long time after that I would only eat cooked sushi but now it depends on the restaurant.  The tuna that Heather made had a wasabi mayonnaise sauce and she made some tossed greens with a Chinese dressing and some carrots and snow peas... do I talk about food way too much??

Cassie, her brother Jack and I cruised down to the kitchen store to get one of those magnets for the dishwasher that says clean/dirty.  There's so many people around here and even though there are some obvious ways to tell some people just can't tell if the dishes in the dishwasher are clean or dirty, I hope this makes it easier.  On the way back we stopped at longs to get a more taffy, and you believe I went to the boardwalk where it was made and it was stale, they actually have a machine there and you can watch it pull the taffy but somewhere between there and the bins right next to it got stale.  The taffy at longs WAY on the other side of town is a lot better.

Tomorrow Brodie had an appointment to get her toenails cut but they call this evening and canceled so I asked Cassie she wanted to go to Mobo's and have Sushi and maybe cruise downtown since the weather has been so nice.



Anonymous said...

seems like wonderful plans for tomorrow!! hope you have a good time with it

ahi tuna is good, isn't it?? Heather cooked it really well; I bet it was delicious!

I like your idea with the magnet for the dishes; good plan!


Anonymous said...

My sister and I tried susho once a long time ago. It was funny because we counted to 10 and then both took a bite at the same time. I didnt like the taste of it very much. But at least I gave it a try....hugs, Christine