Saturday, August 16, 2008

A nice surprise for the weekend...

Last Wednesday my mom and I took Helen out to lunch at the Santa Cruz Café.  Helen was a good friend of my Grandpa's and lives in the same retirement community where he lived.  My Aunt takes her out for breakfast once a week and she really looked over to it.  Since my aunt is on vacation and Monday was Helen's birthday we decided to take her out.  She has had a really interesting life and I really love hearing about it.

On Friday my brother, Stanley and his youngest son, David showed up and we all decided to go to the boardwalk for the day.  We cruised around for a while and then I went to go find a place to sit and wait for the concert, they have a free concert every Friday and yesterday was Papa Doo Run Run and they were AWSOME.  They are a band from Cupertino who my brother said that he remembers playing at our high school dances when we went to Los Gatos High School.  That was the first concert at the boardwalk that I actually sat and watched and I will that really be doing that a lot more.  The area for the wheelchairs is not really clearly marked, in fact the sign says "seeing and hearing impaired seating" so we had a fine of one and asked them and they told us that this was it.  It was a couple of hours before the show and I figured it would probably be crowded so I decided it and wait.  There was a lady and a scooter there and she have about five books sitting around her and she told me that they were all save, I didn't think that this was right?  There was no other place to sit but my brother talked her into scooting the books over a little bit so I can squeeze in.  I didn't really think it with fair that I had to wait two hours and that five people could just come up at the last minute and have a place to sit, apparently I wasn't the only one because several people seem to be upset that the lady could put books on the ground and nobody else could sit  there.  During the concert they announce that they had made a new CD and that they were selling hooded sweatshirts so I asked my brother to go down and get one and he brought back one that would signed by all of them including the gentleman that signed for the hearing-impaired, that was a really great surprise.

The morning Stanley made breakfast and Janet, Robert, Corinne, Zach andanother one of Roberts friends showed up and they all went to the beach.  They will be back tonight and then they will go home tomorrow except for Corinne, she is going to stay here for a week.

When Elaine was here I remember we will walking along the boardwalk and up ahead I could see a guy juggling tennis balls, Brodie can not resist tennis balls, so I said to Elaine "lets see how fast Brodie can distract this guy".  As we walked up to him Brodie very intently started watching the tennis balls and everybody around started laughing.  I was very surprised that it did not break the guys concentration but I can see his eyes darting around nervously so we walked away... it really was funny but I think you had to be there.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sounds like a fun concert! I agree with you; it should be a first come-first serve seating for the concert, no matter where, and people shouldn't be saving spots for others who get the luxury of then coming later; I hope whoever organizes the concerts thinks about that and posts a policy of some sort
