Yesterday was the strawberry festival in downtown Santa Cruz. Cassie and I stopped at The Bagelry and had a bagel and a cup of coffee on our way to the festival. I had been to the bagelry once before and I remember how beautiful and peaceful it was out in the back. They have a patio in the back that is fenced in and the fence is covered with ivy and climbing flowers. There are also a couple of cats that hang out there which was very uncomfortable because Brodie is president of the cat haters club and made a terrible disalay, it is really embarrassing to have your service animal acting up. that pretty much got her wound up for the rest of the day because she even went a little crazy when she saw dogs. Cassie took me to a Thai place and introduced me to a green tea milkshake with tapioca balls at the bottom, it was delicious. The strawberry festival was really packed and the first thing Cassie wanted to do was the cakewalk and she won some snickerdoodles, when we got back she heated them up in the microwave for a couple of seconds and they were great. While we were at the strawberry festival I had a couple of carne asada tacos and of course we split a strawberry shortcake. Apparently on the weekends there is always something to do around here, I love it.
Jerry came by today and brought me my mail from the old house, it was a beautiful day and he decided to go for a motorcycle ride. He is going to help us tomorrow go through the rest of the stuff in my old house and figure out what we are going to donate and what we are going to bring over the hill. Right now I just want to get rid of that old place because it is costing me $1000 a month.
The new place looks really good. We got a lot of stuff put away and we are still trying to thin a lot of things out, it's really heartbreaking to move from a three-bedroom to two-bedroom... I have a really hard time parting with my stuff but I have to admit I'm doing really good so far.
Glad you had a good time at the festival. I am interested in more detail about your motorcycle ride - can you elaborate?
Unfortunately, it was not me who went on the motorcycle ride but it was my former neighbor, he cruzed over here to deliver my mail. One of these days when I find somebody with a sidecar would love to go on a motorcycle ride.
Is so great to meet and get to know everybody that has made a comment on my journal. My new favorite pastime is now to read journals, they are really very interesting.
Strawberry Festival...brings back memories, but so does a good bagel LOL
yum, strawberries! when I lived in Montana, they had a strawberry festival every year around this time of year; it was so good to go and have a piece of strawberry shortcake
poor Brodie; my corgi (Koda) is vice-president of the cat haters club; he and them don't get along either
all in all, it seemed like a very pleasant day for you; I hope you get the things out of your other place as soon as possible; it is hard to get rid of things we like
that milkshake at the Thai place sounded delicious!
i am so happy everything is going well in your new home. it is always fun getting to know new people...and the festival sounds wonderful. i hope Brodie is more relaxed again now that he is back in familiar territory....with no cats!
I love Thai food but have never had a shake like that. I am going to ask about it, sounds delicious. We have a Strawbery festival right around the corner from here at a local church, always lots of fun & good food.
Glad you had such a good time. ~Mary
Sounds like a fun day was had, and I'm happy to hear that! Poor Brodie... He just couldn't help himself!
I'm glad things are working out well at the new place. You're doing well, to let go of things that are less important ~ but may still be difficult to part with. I'm sure you'll feel so good, once everything is settled.
::sending smiles::
It is so tough to part with our 'stuff'.
Sounds like a lovely outing. I'm not sure about a green tea milk shake, ....
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