Jerry came by on Sunday for a visit and it was really great to see him. He stayed for a while and we caught up on each other's lives.
David was going to come for a visit on Sunday but he didn't make the plane so we decided to make it or another weekend, either this weekend or the next.
Today Brodie and I cruised over to the boardwalk. Her behavior is getting worse and I'm afraid that pretty soon I will be able to bring her with me anymore. She's not aggressive because she has never hurt another dog she's more anxious, she just wants to sniff them but it's not acceptable behavior for a service animal. I was in the security office getting a tag to put on her caller and I could hear her growling so I turned around and sure enough it was the dog standing outside, perfect place for her to act out. The only thing I can think of to do is to go to petsmart and by a parking caller and see if that works. When I was coming back I noticed a sign on the wall of the veterinary clinic that she gets her toe nails done that said they do dog training, that is another option. The only other option is to just leave her at home but unfortunately she knows how to open the doors and if I lock the doors she will scratch up the doors and the walls.
Here are a few of the pictures that Elaine took when she was here in July, I really do need to get my own camera.
JohnPatrick called me tonight to tell me that he just got back from signing up for Boy Scouts, he was so excited. I love talking to him because he is so honest, when he is that he just says "I'm going to hang up now because I'm out of things to say"... why can't grown-ups do that?
There is a multiple fruit tree right outside of my window. The guy that used to live in the house stage right of me apparently took a bunch of seeds from different fruits and planted them altogether, the result looks like one big tree that has peaches, plums and apples. I'd love to sit here and watch the squirrels and the birds play and eat the fruit, I never thought I would have anything like that just right outside my window.
pictures were great to see!!!
what an awesome tree with the variety of fruit!! that would be fun to watch all the birds and squirrels come and pay a visit there
I am sorry to hear about Brodie's behavior. I hope you are able to work it out. She seems like a wondeful dog.
Kids are so honest about things. My daughter talks and talks about things. Sometimes she tells other people about our family problems. You gotta love them when they are little.... hugs, Christine
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