Sunday, May 8, 2005

David visiting

This was a pretty casual weekend. I did a lot of staying at home and watching movies or sitting on the porch visiting with neighbors.

My morning attendant that was supposed to come today called in sick so I was just going to cancel service for today but they said that Mimi had agreed to come. I was really excited because I have not seen Mimi for about two or three years. When I had my tendon transfer surgery I had my arms in casts simultaneously and Mimi was here for about 12 hours a day helping me with everything. After my surgery I only needed for hours and she needed more. She looked really great and we did a lot of catching up. We are going to get together and hang out or have lunch.

My brother David called from Georgia and my mom happened to be here so the whole family wished her a Happy Mother's Day and David said that he would like to fly down here tomorrow evening, take my mom to lunch on Tuesday, and fly back Tuesday night. I don't know who was more excited, my mom or me.

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