Monday, May 14, 2007

Mother's Day

The surgery went great. They forgot to tell me to bring my sling because they got a new hoyer type lift and the sling that they have is too hard to in the wheelchair. Everybody is always so nice and helpful and the surgery only took two hours, I was home by two o'clock p.m. I have this half cast/half ace bandage thing on my arm and they asked me to constantly exercise might pinch grip so that the scar won't adhere to the tendon. I get it off next Wednesday.

Stanley, Robert, David and Corinne came down on Friday evening to spend Mother's Day with my mom and I. Janet had to stay home because she had some studying to do for a class that she is taking. We went Mother's Day shopping on Saturday and then took my mom, Chris and Bill out for dinner. They got my mom some beautiful plants and planted them in her front yard to surprise her. When David was here he got some tomato plants and planted them in the back so now she has a really nice garden, front and back.

I think I really overdid it on Saturday so it was nice to just stay in bed on Sunday and have a quiet dinner with my mom. Stanley had made us some white beans and ham and it was really good.

They are really going at my new house. The inside is gutted out and the garages torn down. Kelly is supposed to be here sometime this month to stay for a while and I cannot wait for her to see it.

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