Monday, September 3, 2007

OK...not sold

Angie drove my mom and I to Santa Cruz on Saturday and we met with Charlie and Terri and my aunt and uncle and checked out the progress on my new place, unbelievable.  The subfloor is in and it's all framed or you can see where each room is and they spray painted the floor so you can see where everything is going to go.  It is a lot bigger than I thought was going to be.  It just keeps getting more and more exciting.

As it turns out the guy could not get funding to buy this place so we're back on the market again, I thought that was too easy.  Today is a holiday so on Tuesday I'm going to run around and pass out more flyers if Pat gets them to me in time.  I'm going to take some more over to Valley Medical Center, Stanford, Transitions and Care Meridian.

Sabina sent me a picture of her new baby, I can't believe she had it already.  I can't wait to meet her and see how big her sister has grown.

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