Sunday, May 28, 2006


Wow, what a beautiful drive and a beautiful place to be. My aunt and uncle camp at this place about three times a year and is the first time that I have been there. There is a beach right across the street and everybody at the campgrounds is very friendly. My aunt and uncle are the kind of people that get to know everybody around them and everybody loves them, I'm really not surprised but it is really cool to watch how much people are attracted to them. We walked around the campgrounds a couple of times and talk to some people and just enjoyed how beautiful it was. It took about two and a half hours to get their and my mom was exhausted so didn't really get to enjoy it very much, she took a nap as soon as we got there. I met the best barbecuer in the world I was told but unfortunately we had to leave before dinner. They were barbecuing some fish and chicken and my aunt was making some clam chowder that smelled wonderful. Their next camping trip is 4th of July and I really would like to go. It is only going to be for a few days and it will be a good chance to try it out and know whether I would like it or not, I'm pretty sure that I will. I'm so glad that we went but sorry it took me so long to try it out. Brodie had a great time despite the funnel collar. There were two other dogs at the campsite for her to play with, this was also Brodies first introduction to camping and how fun it can be. Unfortunately as usual I forgot to bring my camera and I am very sorry because the pictures would have been gorgeous and great memories.

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