Friday, June 9, 2006

David's Graduation

I'm really glad that I went to David's graduation. He is a very smart and very talented. He wrote a skit that he did where one of his friends sat on his lap and was his vantrilequest dummy, it was very funny. He also played the piano and helped out four of his friends with their skit. I stayed in a motel and when we got there late and tried to use my portable lift it did not work, we tried recharging it and it still didn't work, so I ended up spending the night in my chair. I slept pretty good but when I woke up I was pretty sore. After the graduation we went to the mall for a little bit and then went out to eat and then headed home. I was supposed to get together with an old friend that I went to eighth grade with but unfortunately I had to cancel because I am really exhausted and I have a pinched nerve and I can hardly move. Hopefully a couple of days of rest and muscle relaxers and I will be back to normal, whatever normal is for me.

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