Saturday, July 15, 2006


Today I get to go to Stanford for an MRI. They want to see what the muscles look like a year after the tendon transfer surgery so I agreed. They have to do the MRI's for the research after hours on weekends so I'm supposed to be there about five p.m. so I have been wearing Stanford's scrubs all day long.  I think a lot of the doctors and nurses must be really short.

I sat out on the porch for a while because it was so beautiful outside. I talked to Jerry and Frank and just enjoyed the weather and my new wind chimes. I don't usually get up on the weekends unless my family or friends are here  My mom called and said that my gramps is tired already and they are ready to come back but they are having a really good time.

David is going to be here on Friday and Saturday we're going to my eighth-grade reunion up in the Santa Cruz Mountains, I'm really excited about that. Is going to be a lot more people there this year than last year, last year Stanley and David took me. Hopefully we will be able to go up and check out where we used to live and see how much it has changed.

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