Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Kelly arriving today...

I am feeling a little bit bitter today so I'm hoping that tomorrow I will be up and around again.

Dawn was supposed to come by this morning for our biweekly manicure and pedicure but I called last night and canceled.  Her brother in law has a window treatment business he was going to buy and shown me some ideas for my new house.  Even though I canceled they showed up anyway.  I really was not mood to look at anything but I appreciate them coming by, he really seem to know what he was talking about.

My brother David called and he wanted diagram of all of the plugs and outlets in my new house, he is going to set up Multimedia Max and if he needs help Dan is going to help him over the telephone.  Both of my brothers are so talented.

It looks like I'm going to be moving in the first week of April.  David is planning on being here the second and stay in for a week.  Stanley asked me to find out when David was going to be here and let him know.  It will be so great to have everybody here once again, even if it is going to be a lot of work.

Kelly is going to get here today, she doesn't know exactly what time but it will be so great to see her.  I have to meet the dog trainer today, I hope this is going to be our last session.  Anymore I feel like the sessions are just ruining my day because by the time the session is over his time to come home and get to bed so the caregiver can go home at 5 p.m.

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