Sunday, January 6, 2008

Pizza and a movie...

My boss from when I worked at Xicor e-mailed me a couple of nights ago and gave me the e-mail of a good friend that I worked with, I have not talked to him for probably 12 years.  He worked in maintenance and I was a custodian at Xicor and we hung out and talked a lot.  I worked for Xicor for 10 years and I always pictured myself working there for the rest of my life, I loved my job and the people that were there.  Xicor is not around anymore, it was bought by a company called intersil and some of the people from Xicor still work there.

Tonight my mom and I got a pizza and watched a movie.  Usually I only eat about two pieces but I think I ate half of the pizza, I thought I was going to feel really bad but I don't.  The movie was Ratatouille and it was really good, by the previews that I saw I thought it would be.

I have not heard from my massage therapist, usually she calls me on Sunday evening to verify our appointment on Monday.  I have not seen her for two weeks because of Christmas and she went on a cruise so I am really ready for our session.

I hope that it's nice tomorrow because Brodie and I both need to get out of this house and breathed some fresh air.

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